Recorded Intuitive Card Reading
This client favorite reading is created with the intention to provide clarity and guidance into specific areas of your life. If you’re new to tarot/divination, this is the perfect reading for you. Choose two questions whether it is general, love, career or spiritual guidance. This reading will be emailed as a M4A audio file.
This reading provides spiritual and practical guidance through a unique blend of intuitive messages and oracle cards. This reading will identify areas you need to strengthen and practices to support your advancement spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
This reading is available for 30 minutes or 60 minutes via telephone or video.
This reading will allow me to connect and communicate with your loved ones who have passed over. It will bring healing, closure and reaffirm that your loved ones are very much still with you and supporting you. I will provide evidence in the forms of names, numbers, symbols, songs or specific memories.
This reading is available for 60 minutes via telephone or video.
Recorded Dream Interpretation Reading
This dream interpretation reading is a great way to analyze and decipher your deepest desires and deepest wounds. Dreaming is a communication bridge between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. This 5-card spread will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself while equipping you with processes and tools to help you feel more whole and complete in your waking life. This reading will be emailed as a M4A audio file.
A Soul Clarity Call is a 10-minute conversation we will have for you to better understanding the consultations and readings I provide. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about my services. Please come prepared with your questions so you can get the information you need in the time allotted.
PLEASE REMEMBER: All recorded readings are emailed 24-48 hours after the date/time booked. For example, if you scheduled your appointment for Tuesday, you will receive your reading anytime between Tuesday and Thursday, at the latest.